Tag Archives: time

Starting the semester right

I vividly remember my first day of class in college: it was a little overwhelming. Whether you are a freshman or a senior, here are some tips for my fellow Comets on how to start the semester right and keep ahead in your classes.

Read the syllabus

It takes a little time, but not much. I usually go through with a highlighter and mark important dates, like tests and assignments. Takes me like 5 minutes. This helps you know when things are due, so nothing sneaks up on you. Professors also usually describe the big assignments to you in pretty good detail, so you can know what to expect and don’t miss something that could cost you a grade. It is also your go-to for disputes with professors: what’s in the syllabus goes.

Only worry about what needs to be done today

If you read the syllabus and know what is coming up and plan accordingly, then you should know what you have to do today and therefore know when you are done and can go party it up. If partying is more your forte than studying, work hard so you can play hard. You are going to school. Respect your own time, and get the most out of the classes you are taking them. Who really suffers if you don’t get everything you can out of it? If you have a hard time finding time to breathe and have fun, you need to be able to take a break and have fun and sleep and sleep well. You learn better when your mind is rested, and if you are constantly stressed out, your health will suffer even if you grades don’t. Work hard so you can play hard. Get today’s tasks done and then take a break.

Have some tips of your own? Email us at hashcampuslife@gmail.com and I’d love to share anything you have learned.

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